Buzz Says!

I’m sure what I’m about to describe is something you will all think of as a “classic” game, that most if not all of you have played at least once in your childhood years… Simon Says. Now, some of you may be thinking that “Simon Says” is dated and that there are many more engaging…

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Surprise, Surprise!

Inflexible and rigid thinkers are something I personally have come across many a time while working with Autistic children, and many parents ask me, how they can overcome this. I always say, with consistency, patience and a positive mind-set you can achieve great things with your ASD child. Now the rule-bound “Not gonna budge” kind…

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Anything for a chocolate muffin!

Here’s something I’m sure all you parents/ carers and teachers out there have worked on a thousand times before… Reinforcement. Was I right? A potentially incredible tool to use both at home and school. But if the instructions are unclear you can actually be reinforcing the entire opposite behaviour to your ASD child. Here’s an…

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No more “I can’ts!”

If you know, teach or have an Autistic child who has, what I like to call the “I can’t syndrome” it’s time for them to stop holding themselves back and make some changes! A fun, innovative and effective way of doing this is to create an “I can’t” time capsule with your child and stage…

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It’s OK To Be Angry!

Children with Autism find expressing their emotions extremely challenging, so when it comes to anger they are no different. Your child may express themselves in negative or aggressive ways, for example screaming, hitting/kicking, verbal insults, swearing or head banging. These behaviours show that your child is frustrated. And understandably as a parent you just want…

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Ask better questions!

There’s one little word that we use so often in life, and we expect answers straight after. We sometimes ask it out of anger, frustration, curiosity or even to be reassured.   … And that’s “why”. But when caring for Autistic children we often forget that the majority of ASD children do not know or…

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Loud and Clear

When communicating with Autistic children you need to keep in the forefront of your mind that ASD children are specific, literal and very precise in the way that they think. If you too think this way before you communicate you will be sure to have more effective communication with your child. I assure you, you…

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It is very easy to get swept away by our busy schedules and the everyday roller-coaster of life, so that when we talk to our children we forget to gain contact with them before we start to communicate. And what’s more, we expect them to take on board what we’re saying! It is essential that…

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Can you tell when it’s happening?

Children with Autism will experience the classic 5 senses (sight, sound, taste, touch & hearing) in an entirely different way to which typically developing children do. Because of this fact, as a parent or educator of ASD children it is vital that the activities that you provide for these children are appropriate and monitored. Why?…

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Controlling the Obsession

Obsessive and repetitive behaviour is something you will often see in Autistic children. Unlike the majority of children who go through crazes, with one game being their favourite one week and something entirely different the next. Autistic children can have one obsession they would do or talk about all day if they could! This type…

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