Buzz Says!

I’m sure what I’m about to describe is something you will all think of as a “classic” game, that most if not all of you have played at least once in your childhood years…

Simon Says.

Now, some of you may be thinking that “Simon Says” is dated and that there are many more engaging or even intellectual games out there for children nowadays..


There’s a reason why “Simon Says” is a classic.

So, let me explain this slightly tweaked version that is sure to have your ASD or Asperger’s child engaged, developing their auditory skills, language skills and understanding 2 step commands.

Firstly and probably most importantly to make this game relevant and more exciting for your child, you need to change “Simon” to your child’s favourite character. (Buzz lightyear, Sponge bob, Dora or Spiderman will do just great!) I will be using Buzz.

Now to tailor the game for your ASD and Asperger’s child you’ll now need to have a picture of your new character and a lolly stick/craft stick to paste it on to. This way you are providing a visual for your child, and as we know majority of ASD and Asperger’s children are visual learners so this part is essential.

Next tell your child you are going to play a game and Buzz (use your appropriate
character) is going to tell them exactly what they need to do. Tell your child they must only do what Buzz is telling them to do.

Now begin the game, give your child plenty of time to register what Buzz has asked them to do, as this will really be working their auditory memory. Play around with this part, it’s supposed to be fun, use your best Buzz voice! After the direction is followed ask your child to tell you what the command was from Buzz, thus promoting their language skills. After several commands and only if you think your child is ready, you can introduce the “trick commands” e.g. Wave your hands!

When you think your child has mastered this game, use Buzz to your advantage! He/she can now be part of common daily activities, e.g. “Buzz says put away your slippers!”

Don’t forget to let me know how you get along.


Speak with you soon, until then


Live every moment, Love beyond words and make a difference today!


Emma Ottaway

The Autism Support Specialist