I didn’t have time to call you back…


Us humans are brilliant at making up excuses for not doing stuff we said we were going to do.

But in my experience, there’s one excuse that gets used more than any other….

I bet you’ve used it several times this month already! (Shamefully I probably have too)

It’s: “I don’t have the time.”

You’ve heard it used in a million different scenarios before,

“I don’t have the time to exercise.”

“I don’t have time to cook that meal.”

“I didn’t have time to tidy before you arrived.”

“I didn’t have time call you back.”

And the one that gets to me the most…

“I don’t have the time to work on that with my child.”

We use this excuse for almost EVERYTHING!

But it’s a lie!

It’s a made up story we tell ourselves, and other people, so we don’t feel bad for not doing something we said we were going to do.

Whenever someone tells you they didn’t have the time to do something, or whenever you say it to someone else…

What you really mean is “It wasn’t a priority for me.”

Think about it…

We all have the same amount of hours available in the day… So if you don’t find the time to do something and other people do. Then is lack of time really your problem?

Obviously, certain things need to take priority in your life.

But what I’m saying is, choose carefully… Because we tend to get the best results in the things we prioritise the most…

So if working on your child’s independence at home is something you’re not actively working on or prioritising… don’t expect to see fantastic, miracle results.

It’s as simple as that.

If you’re ready to prioritise your child’s independence, communication or any other area for that matter but you’re just not 100% sure on how to do it, then join ‘The Unlimited Autism Success Inner Circle’ today for your 30-day free trial plus 4 free autism resources when you join…


But a word of warning, to see your child progress you need to put in the work. As well as learning the strategies you have to put them in place consistently to get the results. If you’re dedicated to doing this and watching your child thrive then welcome on board!
Click below for the full details.



Speak with you soon until then,

Live every moment, Love beyond words and make a difference today

Emma Ottaway