Filthy Hands!

I saw something while I was on the bus today on my way to a tutoring session and that I wanted to share with you. Now, travelling through London you see a lot of things, but this particular situation caught my attention.

Like I said I was on the bus, flicking through the communication section of one of my favourite books on Autism, when a little boy caught my eye. He was about two years old, sitting in his pram with his mum beside him. He was absolutely covered in ketchup from the chips she was feeding him. As I watched him I noticed how curiously he was looking at the newborn baby in the pram next to him.

Have you ever had a feeling when you can just tell something is about to happen?

So the little boy was staring at the newborn and at this point he was pointing at her and looking back at his mum, who by the way wasn’t paying any attention to the situation. He then sat himself foward to get a better look I guess! He stared at her for about another minute or so, getting as close to her face as possible. Then suddenly he gave in to his curiosity and reached out and touched her face.

Suddenly the little boy’s mother slapped away his hand, shouted “No! Don’t touch the baby your hands are filthy!”

The boy looked shocked and confused and he frowned at his mum.

I was also looking shocked and confused.

What is she really telling her son?

Not to touch newborn babies he doesn’t know when his hands are dirty?

So what, if he is clean it’s ok?

And it got me thinking, we have to be so careful what we tell or explain to our ASD/ Asperger’s children. Because as parents/ carers we are the first educators of our children and what they hear from us sticks in their little heads.

I for one remember as a child my Dad told me Jesus lived in heaven and heaven was in the sky. So the first time I went on a plane I excitedly asked to sit by the window so I could look out for Jesus!

Now what my dad said was a silly comment that posed no harm, but we need to be sure to always explain things clearly to our logical thinking ASD/ Asperger’s children.


Or as my dad used to say “Think before you speak!”



Speak with you soon, until then


Live every moment, Love beyond words and make a difference today!


Emma Ottaway

The Autism Support Specialist