Autism Awesomeness!

I’m not sure if you watched the “Too Much Information” film that went viral not long ago. It was specifically made to help raise awareness of autism.

The video shows what a trip to a shopping centre may feel like for a child on the spectrum.

Now, the video did so well that the TMI team have arranged a tour around the UK to different shopping centres to further raise awareness. In the tour they use virtual reality headsets to demonstrate the common sensitivities many children with autism face in a shopping centre.

By actively going around to these different cities and raising awareness to the masses, the team hope to educate more people on autism and help stop negative judgement.

Just thought I’d share that awesomeness with you today!

Here is the “Too Much Information” film if you haven’t already seen it…

While you’re here….

You have just 2 days left to get your free 30 trial to ‘The Unlimited Autism Success Inner Circle’ … it’s for parents and carers with autistic children and it’s packed full of useful tips, videos and info on how to get the best from your child, just click below…

Click here for free access.

Speak with you soon until then,

Live every moment, Love beyond words and make a difference today

Emma Ottaway

The Ambitious Autism Ambassador