“All autistic children”

This week I had an alfresco lunch in the sun… Which, is one of my most favourite things to do as it involves both food and sun.

Complete bliss!

I could’ve easily sat out there all afternoon.

But other half, Drew, on the other hand sat with me for about 3 minutes before disappearing inside.

He doesn’t worship the sun the way I do, in fact he doesn’t like it at all.

We are total opposites in that sense.

Much like many children with autism.

There are many widely recognised myths you hear about “all autistic children” such as…

Autistic children always need routine…

Autistic children need a neutral, quiet environment to learn…

Autistic children hate loud noise…

Autistic children can’t make friends…

Autistic children have to go to special schools…

Autistic children don’t speak…

Autistic children have special extraordinary talents…

And the list of total rubbish could go on and on…

The fact is, saying these things are a reflection of all autistic children is complete crap!

I for one know many ASD children who work much better in a natural environment.

As well as autistic children who have made friends, chosen to talk to others, enjoy loud noise and couldn’t give a monkeys about a routine!

All autistic children are different.

Let me rephrase that…

All PEOPLE are different.

Which is why you may need to use certain strategies with your child that might not work for other families.

That’s exactly why in my new book “A GuideTo Unlimited Autism Success” I talk about a range of different strategies so that every parent or carer has at least one thing they can use.

“A Guide To Unlimited Autism Success” is a book for dedicated parents or carers who want to help their autistic child thrive in every area of their development…. Despite unsupportive schools, limited resources and without spending a fortune on alternative therapies.

Click here for your copy

When this book goes to print on 10th May 2016, it will retail for a minimum of £21.00… But pre-order your copy today and you can get it for just £15 with FREE delivery anywhere in the world.

Get your copy here

Speak with you soon, until then

Live every moment, Love beyond words and make a difference today…

Emma Ottaway

The Ambitious Autism Ambassador

P.S. Pre-order ‘A Guide To Unlimited Autism Success’ today and if at the end of it you don’t think the proven tips and strategies inside will help your child progress quicker than you previously imagined. Simply drop me an email and I’ll refund all your money… and you don’t even have to send it back to me.