A fantastic website


Just wanted to send you a quick email today in case you were stuck on ideas of what to get your child for Christmas.

A fantastic website was recommended to me a while back by a parent who has a son with autism…

She wanted to help her son learn to self-regulate and become a little more independent. She told me about a few resources she’d bought on https://www.sensetoys.com/ and said that so far they’re a great help.

I’ve checked it out myself, and the site has a pretty impressive range of toys, games, fidgets and books all to help different areas of your child’s development. It’s sectioned out well and very easy to use.

I personally love the range of communication-based toys they have to offer.

So, why not see if you can get a gift this Christmas that will not only be fun for your child but really help them progress too!

Speak with you soon until then,

Live every moment, Love beyond words and make a difference today

Emma Ottaway

The Ambitious Autism Ambassador