Comparing your autistic child


If there’s one thing so many of us do in our lives, it’s compare ourselves. I mean, we do it so much that I think most of us aren’t even aware of it sometimes, myself included.

Think about it for a second…

We compare our bodies, our cooking, our appearance, our work, our clothes, our homes, our parenting and yes even our children.

And parents and carers who have children with autism no doubt do this too with their children.

So often I hear parents and carers say things like…

“Sandra’s little boy was on this diet and he’s doing much better now.”

Or “Mike’s son is at a new school and he’s talking much more.”

Or “Last year Christine’s daughter could never have coped with that.”

Compare, compare, compare.

And when you compare your child in this way you often begin to doubt and worry about them …and neither of these things feel good let’s be honest.

I find myself telling someone AT LEAST once a month that the autistic spectrum is vast that there really isn’t a “typical autistic child”…

Every single child deals with situations differently, manages how they feel in their own way and progresses at their own pace.

Children will benefit from different techniques, diets, routines ect. Some ASD children may be noise sensitive and some not, some may have obsessions and some not, some children may have a limited diet but guess what… some won’t!

So if we know that there’s no such thing as “One size fits all”…

Then why do we compare our children?

Think of the freedom you’d feel when you fully accept that you can help your child on their journey as best as you can, and your child will develop and progress at their own pace.

Feels good right?

If you’re a parent or carer who wants to begin this profound journey with your child, then join ‘The Unlimited Autism Success Inner Circle’

When you join you’ll get tips, strategies, templates and video training all to help you support your child in each area of their development.

Click Here for more information

Speak with you soon until then,

Live every moment, Love beyond words and make a difference today

Emma Ottaway