Are you clued up?

Before you start trying to manage your autistic child and their behaviours it is crucial that you first understand Autism…

There is constantly new research being discovered about Autism and clear and thorough outlines of what the disorder entails. But how will you learn any of this if you’re not looking to see what’s out there?

There is an old English proverb that says…

“One is never too old to learn.”

So get your nose stuck into some books, tap into some sites and start educating yourself on Autism now.

Because I can promise you that once you do, you will gain a better understanding of your child, why they behave in certain ways and how YOU as a parent can support and encourage them to achieve all that they want in life.


Speak with you soon, until then,

Live every moment, Love beyond words and make a difference today!

Emma Ottaway

The Autism Support Specialist